Sunday, 5 August 2012

Well this week I've been to the cinema to see TED which was a pretty funny film and definitely worth a watch! On Friday night one of my friends had a bbq which was good fun and despite some of the food being a bit charcoaled it still tasted pretty good and my friend Sara makes the best Sangria! 

Yesterday I met up with my sister and her boyfriend and we had a look through Aberdeen's outdoor market and had a wander round Aberdeen in the sunshine. Last night I had a pretty chilled night and ordered in a pizza and caught up the latest celebrity gossip with Reveal.  I also had some of Scotland's best hangover cure - Irn Bru to help me out after Friday nights boozy antics!

Just put up a photo of my new lampshade which I think looks very cool! I've also been shopping during the week and bought some jewellery as above from Primark and Accessorize on sale!

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